Christina M. Sorrentino is a millennial, cradle, Catholic who is a theology teacher for a Catholic high school, and is a freelance writer and author in Staten Island, New York. She is passionate about her Catholic faith; liturgy and the sacraments, praying for priests, and striving towards holiness. Her desire is to become a saint and help bring souls to Jesus in the Eucharist.
Her mission is to live in imitation of the Good Shepherd by being a witness of Christ in the world through the New Evangelization. Her desire is to help bring our fallen away Catholics back Home to the Catholic Church, and reach out to the most neglected and spiritually abandoned souls, especially our children. She wants all Catholics to truly understand the beautiful gift of the Eucharist that our Lord gives us; His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, the sweet taste of Heaven on Earth, and how important it is to pray for our priests, and for more vocations to the priesthood. Without the priesthood there is no Eucharist.
Education and Qualifications:
B.S. Education, Biology (Teacher Education Honors Academy, College of Staten Island)
M.S. Ed. Special Education (College of Staten Island)
Catechist Certificate (Archdiocese of New York)
Professional Biology (9-12) Certificate and Professional Students with Disabilities (9-12) Certificate (New York State)
Standard Biological Science (9-12) Certificate and Standard Students with Disabilities (9-12) Certificate (New Jersey State)
Magis Center Master's Teacher Certificate in Contemporary Apologetics (Catholic Distance University)
Affiliated with the Maria Goretti Network, the Foundation of Prayer for Priests, and the Seven Sisters Apostolate
Editor-in-Chief for Ignitum Today
Regular contributor for Missio Dei and Catholic Exchange
Contributed to various publications, including Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Radiant Magazine, and Word on Fire.
Author of Called to Love - A Listening Heart and Belonging to Christ
Co-Author of The Eucharistic Revival Project
Appeared on Driving Home the Faith with Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio and the How They Love Mary Podcast with Fr. Edward Looney
Featured in the National Catholic Register's "Best in Catholic Blogging"