“Salus animarum suprema lex esto” — “the salvation of souls
… must be the supreme law in the Church.” (Code of Canon Law 1752)
In recent weeks, a debate has erupted over the inclusion of LGBTQ+ groups in Staten Island’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, with Bishop Peter Byrne of Blessed Sacrament R.C. Church, making it clear that his parish will not participate in the event now that the Pride Center is allowed to march under its own banner. Although the decision faced sharp disapproval from certain circles, including some Catholics who are not properly catechized, and do not understand that the truth, although perhaps difficult to accept, is grounded in love.
It is a stance that Bishop Byrne took with the salvation of souls in mind. The Church's primary mission is to save souls. The days of the “Church of Nice” are no more, and we need priests and bishops to stand up for the truth despite the "cancel culture" that we are a part of today. We are called to speak the truth even if some find it offensive. The fact of the matter is that the truth is not meant to make us feel warm and fuzzy inside, but to challenge us to make the decision to strive towards entering through the narrow gate and constricted road that leads to heaven, the path that many never find. (See Mt. 7:13-14) This is the harsh reality of the Gospels.
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