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  • Writer's pictureChristina M. Sorrentino

Forever Thine

Photo: Wikipedia Commons, Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church (Dry Ridge, Ohio) - stained glass, Eucharist / PD-US

Word made Flesh

veiled before my eyes,

in a tiny, white host;

the hidden Christ is alive.

Gifts of His creation;

simple bread and wine,

humble offerings to the Father,

with the Breath of the Spirit

transform upon the altar;

the memorial of Christ’s sacrifice.

Spotless Victim;

Unblemished Lamb,

really and mysteriously made present,

the Lord’s Body and Blood,

behold in the priest’s hands.

Sacred banquet;

Pascal Feast,

come to the Table,

receive the Holy Eucharist.

Called to communion;

Heaven weds the Earth;

an intimate union,

the invitation of His Divine Love.

Bread of Life;

Beloved of my heart,

overcome with joy

I could die.

I am forever Thine.


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