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  • Writer's pictureChristina M. Sorrentino

Make People Feel Loved Today

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)

Throughout our lives it is inevitable that others will hurt us because of one key factor; love. If we do not love than we cannot get hurt, but as human beings it is unnatural to not love, and so because we love it is certain that our hearts eventually will become wounded by the actions or words of another.

The more hurt we feel, the more we have experienced love, and that is why we are hurt the most by those whom are the closest to us. The greatest hurt is when we love another, but that love is not returned to us. When we get treated in a way that is the opposite of how we have come to understand love, we get hurt. As a young woman I can attest to the fact that when we love we love hard, and our love is forever, or at least it is supposed to be forever. 

As Christians we are supposed to love one another and we have no right to judge others and decide whether they deserve us to give them our love. Does God, our Father, not continuously love us, His adopted children, despite our sins? Every human on this earth needs to be loved, and to love another means to always will the good of the other. (CC, no. 1766) We can dislike the actions of another, or even hate the actions of another, but we should not hate anyone, which is contrary to our Christian faith.

"If we spend most of our time judging others than we have no time to love them." (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)

Small acts of love truly go a long way, even a simple smile to someone that we pass on the street as we continue on our way. Little acts of charity and kindness can make a huge difference for someone who may not be having the best of days. There are so many different ways that we can show our love for others, especially those that are a daily part of our loves.

It does not take much effort for us to show our love to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and I feel that it really is something we are obligated to do as Christians. How can we live out the Gospel message authentically and not love? I encourage anyone who reads this blog, especially now during these difficult times of the Coronavirus pandemic, to please choose today to do one small act of kindness for someone because one small gesture can make all the difference, and we never know who needs to feel loved today. 

"Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people." (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)

© Newsboys - "Love One Another"


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