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  • Writer's pictureChristina M. Sorrentino

Mystical Rose

Photo: Francisco Laporta Valor - Escaner. Catálogo de la Exposición “Pintores de Alcoy. De Antonio Gisbert a Rigoberto Soler”.

Wrapped in her mantle;

a cape of bright blue With gentle eyes and long dark lashes

her fiat radiates the truth.

Glistening through the colored window glass

the sunbeams sparkle and

create the most magnificent dance.

The branches bend on the little linden tree

as the raindrops tenderly trickle down

with the leaves swaying in the breeze.

A sprig of rosemary and

white satin petals twirl in the wind.

She is the Mystical Rose;

the crimson blossom of Nazareth.

A garland of roses;

the fairest flower at her feet

As she bathes in His heavenly light

the kiss of the angels touches her cheek.

The sweet scent of nectar permeates the air

as the bees hum softly,

and the dew of honey drips down with

the wings of a dove fluttering in the wind.

As a brilliant golden ray

pierces her Immaculate Heart

the blue butterfly brushes

against the bed of bulrush.

The calm, tranquil waters

crawl towards the shore

as the Star of the Sea

shines upon the silvery sand.

The rod of the root of Jesse

springs forth the burst of bloom.

She is the Mother of God.

Blessed is the fruit of her womb.

This poem was originally published in Called to Love A Listening Heart A Book of Catholic Poetry, by Christina M. Sorrentino


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